Category Archives: Voice

Why the Business Phone Isn’t Dead

If you’re anything like most people, when you hear “business phone system” you probably visualize clunky desk phones, tangled cords, and complicated buttons and processes—true relics of the days of business past. Who needs a phone at their desk anymore when you’re walking around with one in your pocket at all times? If you’re a[…]

The Difference Between Microsoft 365 Phone System and Microsoft 365 Business Voice

Microsoft 365 Phone System and Microsoft 365 Business Voice

According to Forbes, “With traditional business phone systems, the phone itself is the most disconnected element of the communication chain. It’s the analog element in a sea of digital, so it’s harder to work phone calls into communication paper trails.” If you haven’t heard, softphones and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) completely change the game.[…]

The Basics of SIP Trunking

voip telephone system

Consolidate your network and expand your business communication services with SIP trunking. Learn the basics of this service and see how AxiaTP can help you take advantage of the $35.5 billion in market value of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) technology as your VoIP provider in Indianapolis. VoIP vs. SIP Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP,[…]

Key Differences Between UCaaS and VoIP

Differences Between UCaaS and VoIP

Innovative phone systems are at the forefront of business communication. UCaaS and VoIP phone systems are two popular options for business communication; but which is the better option? Here is a breakdown of the differences between UCaaS and VoIP phone systems to help you decide. What Is UCaaS? UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) is[…]

6 Services Every IT Company Should Offer

services of it company

Today, having some form of IT support for your business is a requirement, not an option. Your company cannot stay competitive without it. When choosing IT support, you want to opt for excellent service instead of the bare minimum. Truly excellent IT companies offer more than the basics, and they won’t charge you outrageous fees[…]

The Benefits of Using a VoIP Phone System for Your Business

VoIP Phone System

As businesses across the nation become more digitally connected to serve customers in an always-on world, they are constantly looking for technology to improve communication, collaboration and efficiency. One tech trend that businesses across several industries have seen the benefits of is making the switch from traditional PBX phone systems to VoIP phone systems. Choosing[…]

Benefits of Using VoIP Technology

More and more businesses are implementing Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, technology because of its versatility, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. With new developments in this technology, the scope of its applications is widening. It is becoming more than just voice communications technology. That’s why businesses of all sizes are migrating at an increasing rate. Here[…]