Category Archives: Network

Infographic: Shared vs. Dedicated Networks

Shared vs. Dedicated Networks

There’s no way around it: Business internet is a necessity for productivity. That’s why choosing the right business internet solution is important! The first step to making your decision? Deciding between a shared and dedicated network. In the infographic below we break down the difference between each network type, including how they stack up in[…]

Why Your IT Service Provider’s Process Matters

Finding the right IT service provider for your business can take research. While it’s important to know what services they offer and if they can meet your needs, one of the most important things to understand is HOW they work. This can directly impact the quality of the services you receive and your overall customer[…]

Preparing Your Office & IT for a Hybrid Work Environment

woman working from home on couch with coffee

Workspaces have become progressively more fluid over the past few years, but COVID-19 helped propel trends forward at warp speed. Shutdowns required quick transitions and solutions, and while those carried you through the initial phase of the pandemic, it’s time to consider if your office and IT are providing the best support for your team.[…]

6 Key Areas to Assess Your Business Technology Health

IT specialist working in server room

When your tech isn’t healthy, your business isn’t healthy! Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, the technology you engage with every day can have a big stake in your success. That’s why it’s important to regularly assess the health of your tech—from the programs you use to the devices that power them[…]

4 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Business Internet

Your organization relies on business internet to remain connected with coworkers and clients, as well as to carry out your day-to-day tasks. Sometimes, your business internet needs an upgrade to enable your team to work more efficiently.  Here are four signs that can help you determine if it’s time to update your business internet. 1.[…]

How to Know If Your Remote Network Is a Target for Cybercrime

Cybercriminals rarely waste time targeting businesses that follow robust network security guidelines. But, if your company has recently started using remote networks, you may not have all of the security features in place to ward off security threats. Until you solve that problem, you run the risk of getting attacked by criminals who want to[…]

How-To Guide: Maintaining Uptime Rates While Working Remotely

Working remotely can make it difficult to maintain the uptime rates your employees and customers rely on. Adopting the right technology, however, gives you more opportunities to improve your uptime, boost productivity and protect your system from cyberattacks. Here’s what your business can do to maintain uptime rates while working remotely. Make Cybersecurity a Priority[…]

Why Your Business Needs a Network Assessment as Soon as Possible

business network assessment

With your company’s network ever-growing, it can be nearly impossible to know precisely what is occurring on all fronts of your IT infrastructure. That’s why regular assessments should be a crucial part of a proper cybersecurity strategy to keep your business safe. Keeping your business running smoothly is ideal. However, with threats such as network[…]

How to Successfully Work Remotely during the COVID-19 Outbreak

working remotely

Recent developments in the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) have necessitated the urgent transition to a remote workforce for many businesses. Current regulations in and out of the U.S. range from recommendations to limit social contact to government-mandated quarantines. Even if businesses in your area haven’t yet been required to stop operations at their physical locations,[…]

Causes of Network Downtime and How to Avoid Them

what is a network outage

The current digital environment requires organizations to have a reliable system connected through a vibrant ecosystem of networks. These connections have made it possible to conduct business at any time, from any location or time zone. But unplanned network downtime is costly to any business, causing disruption of production, loss of data and revenues and[…]