Author Archives: Bob Baird

The Ultimate Managed IT Services Checklist: Selecting the Right Partner for Your Business

managed it services checklist

In today’s digital ecosystem, choosing the right managed IT services provider is crucial for ensuring your business operations run smoothly. However, with numerous providers in the market, making the right choice can be daunting. A poorly chosen provider can lead to significant downtime, security breaches, and financial losses. According to a recent survey, 56% of[…]

Managed IT Services Challenges: Maneuvering Through Intricate Obstacles

IT Managed Services Challenges

As a business owner, integrating managed IT services into your operations can be a game-changer. On average, organizations that successfully integrate managed IT services experience a 35% reduction in IT costs and a 50% increase in efficiency. However, this transition is not without its challenges. President and CEO of Axia Technology Partners Roger Veach, says,[…]

7 Types of Managed IT Services You Must Know

Types of Managed IT Services

In a technology-driven market, staying ahead often depends on how effective your IT infrastructure is. Fortunately, there are several different types of managed IT services that can help you ensure that you’re among the companies that keep up. To navigate the ever-changing IT landscape effectively, businesses must adopt a strategic approach, and managed IT providers[…]

What’s The Difference Between Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services?

Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services

In 2023, 78% of businesses reported a tech talent shortage, which isn’t changing in 2024. It’s no wonder that so many are choosing to outsource their IT functions. Finding new hires takes time, and most businesses facing these shortages need the help now. Two options you may be comparing if you are in this position[…]

What is a business continuity plan?

You may hear a lot about business continuity plans and may even hear them incorrectly referred to as disaster recovery plans. So, what is a business continuity plan?A business continuity plan is a total blueprint for how a business or organization ensures that its output–products or services–will continue to be provided with as little interruption[…]

The threats out there: Have you considered their impact?

Oct 28, 2012–Hurricane Sandy hit New York, America’s largest city. The consequences were disastrous and resulted in a shutdown of a city of 8.6 million people. Places that weren’t supposed to ever close, such as major hospitals, had to be evacuated. It was from the intense flooding of the city that many large corporations and[…]

Unified Communications can save money and improve customer satisfaction

We discussed in our last blog how unified communications can hoster greater collaboration and workplace functionality, but today we’ll look its value to the “back of the house” and external customers. Unified communications offers opportunities for operational improvements and cost savings, as well as opening up new pathways to create greater customer satisfaction. In summary,[…]